>32 jaar ingenieurskookkunst
Het beste is maar goed genoeg.
Kamado Primo
Early clay ovens appeared in China about 3,000 years ago. (The Chinese, as you may recall, also developed the fire-hardened clay we now call ceramics, as well as porcelain coatings.) Around 300 BC, this technology was exported to Japan, and the ceramic ovens were dubbed kamados, or "stoves." How did the kamado come to the States? After World War II, thousands of Westerners stationed in Japan saw these wonderful cookers for the first time. Returning home, many brought kamados back, and some even started importing and selling them.
We are strong believers in the two-zone system for grilling. The concept is to place the coals on one side of the grill and leave the other side without coals. On a gas grill, you turn on the burners on one side, but not on the other. With two zones, you can move food from very hot, direct radiant infrared heat to mild, indirect convection heat, quickly and easily.
Oval-shaped kamados, like those made by Primo,
can easily be set up for two-zone cooking, but round kamados cannot. The oval shape enables more separation from side to side, while heat in the round models tends to even out rather quickly. Most round-kamado aficionados concede that their best way of creating different heat zones is by moving foods closer to or farther from the fire. This is done with various deflectors and rack systems that can be costly and awkward to manipulate.
The most essential concepts an outdoor cook needs to understand are the importance of temperature control, the differences between direct heat and indirect heat, and how to use a 2-zone setup. Most outdoor cooking goes best if you use a 2-zone setup. Even if you are only cooking hot dogs.
To cook delicious food, you need to control your cooking temperature because the compounds in foods react differently to different levels of heat. For example, meats are composed of protein, water, fat, collagen, and some sugars, and each component changes drastically at different temperatures. Fats render at one temp, water evaporates at another, collagens melt at another, sugar caramelizes at another, the Maillard reaction (a.k.a. browning) occurs at another, and carbonization (a.k.a. charring or burning) occurs at yet another temp.
On a grill, a 2-zone setup is ideal because it gives you much better control over temperature. In a 2-zone setup, you have one side of the grill that is hot and producing direct radiant heat, and the other side is producing no heat and food on that side cooks by indirect convection heat. We'll call one the direct zone and the other the indirect zone. When you shop for a grill, you must get one that allows you to configure it in 2 zones.
2 zone technique for real temperature control
The most common mistake we make is using too much direct heat. That's how we make hockey pucks. If meat is exposed to very high heat for too long the proteins get their undies in a bunch and shrink, squeezing out the liquids, and the result is tough dry meat.
Using a 2-zone setup allows us to control the temp applied to the food. We can gently heat a turkey in the indirect zone, get it cooked to juicy, tender, smoky perfection, and be the heroes of Thanksgiving. Using a 2-zone setup we can slowly gently bring a big prime rib to bumper to bumper medium rare with no gray meat, and a perfect crunchy crust, and be the heroes of New Year's Eve.
We can start chickens over the indirect zone at a low temp and cook them until they are almost done. Then move them over the direct zone to crisp the skin and finish cooking. We can cook the most tender ribs with a special secret sweet dry rub and never burn a grain of sugar, and then move it over the direct zone to sizzle on the sauce and caramelize it to finger licking sticky goodness. We can even make fluffy baked potatoes with crackling skin completely free of burn marks.
Two-Zone Kamado: Primo Oval JR
Kamados can also be used as grills for cooking hot and fast, but the cone shape of most of them doesn't make them ideal for two-zone cooking. There are a few exceptions, however, including the cookers from Primo, which are oval-shaped. They come with two-position split cooking grates that can be set up high for indirect cooking, or flipped over to position foods down low to the fire for searing. The split, half-moon-shaped grates allow you to accentuate the difference between a direct and an indirect zone by piling charcoal on one side and positioning one grate over it down low for a direct zone, with the other grate up high and away from the fire for an indirect zone.
Verbluffende smaak
Samen met de perfecte kwaliteit ceramiek en de natuurlijke Primo houtskool ontstaat verbluffend sappig vlees met een tikkeltje houtskool aroma. De ceramische schelp doet het op een Primo gebakken vlees zijn sappigheid bewaren in tegenstelling tot metalen BBQ, die het vocht uit het vlees trekken. De houtskool is gemaakt van Amerikaans hardhout en injecteert een beetje die zachte rook smaak in uw gerechten.
Makkelijk op te starten en snelle opwarming
U kunt al beginnen grillen na 15 minuten. Net zo snel als met een gas BBQ. Een voordeel van de natuurlijke Primo houtskool is dat deze opnieuw kan aangemaakt worden om meermaals te gebruiken.
Meervoudige keuze aan bakmethodes
De Primo kan in twee zones verdeeld worden door middel van een scheider waardoor u tegelijkertijd gebruik kan maken van een directe hittezone en een indirecte hittezone. Met een Primo
ceramische oven kunt u bakken, grillen (direct & indirect), roken, schroeien, smoren,flamberen, stoven, in de schelp bakken, sudderen, garen, roerbakken en zoveel meer.
Uitvoeringen van de tafels
Grootste : Primo Ovaal XL 400
Breedte | 69 cm |
Diepte |
54 cm |
Hoogte |
75 cm |
Kookoppervlak |
4386 cm² |
Bakrooster |
47 cm x 64 cm |
Temperatuur bereik |
66°C - 454°C+ |
Medium: Primo Ovaal LG300
Breedte | cm |
Diepte |
cm |
Hoogte |
cm |
Kookoppervlak |
3193 cm² |
Bakrooster |
38cm x 56 cm |
Temperatuur bereik |
66°C - 454°C+ |
Small : Primo Ovaal JR 200
Breedte | cm |
Diepte |
cm |
Hoogte |
cm |
Kookoppervlak |
2323 cm² |
Bakrooster |
34cm x 47 cm |
Temperatuur bereik |
66°C - 454°C+ |
Zie ook :
Braadpannen voor inductiekoken ; Gasfornuis ; Steamer ; Salamander ; Cata vitrokeramische kookplaten ; Cata inbouwovens ; Cata microgolfovens ; Gas plancha ; Mini pizza oven ; Refractaire steen ; Elektrisch draaispit voor kip ; Draaispit voor kip op houtvuur ; Grill op houtvuur ; Schouwklep; Rookoven ; Espetero ; Showcook ; Primo Kamado ceramische oven ; Braadspit ;
Buitenkeuken ; Maatwerk in inox (buiten)meubelen
Vacuümkoken: de nieuwe trend ; Rocook ; Thermoplongeur: koken in bain-marie ; Sous vide chef II ; Horeca vacuümapparaat ; Hobby vacumeertoestel
"De toutes les passions, la seule vraiment respectable me paraît être la gourmandise" Guy de Maupassant
technologie, daar komt het op aan
Versie laatst bewerkt op 9/2/2018